
Bubble Bubble – Swirl and Trouble

Localized bubbles of high magnetic intensity may explain some enigmatic lunar surface features.


Failure to Launch, Failure to Lead

The Space Exploration Initiative and the Vision for Space Exploration -- two proposals, two failures. Why?


China and the Moon

What are China's intentions for the Moon?


Chesley Bonestell and the Landscape of the Moon

The purpose of art is to soothe the soul, but sometimes it can predict future realities with uncanny precision.


Everyone’s Gone To The Moon

Our international space partners want to go to the Moon. Why don't we?Well, maybe we do.


Who discovered water on the Moon?

A recent news story claims that water was found in lunar soil over 30 years ago, but the finding was ignored. True?


The Flight of the Dragon

If things go according to plan Saturday, the world will witness SpaceX launch its first Dragon cargo supply mission to the International Space Station.


The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers*

The legal status and ownership of resources harvested from space are unclear. How does such uncertainty affect our plans to exploit them?


Analogy for Space: Aviation or Seafaring?

Is space travel more like aviation or sea faring? It depends on your mission


A Scientific Dispute

A scientific dust-up, featuring raw data and bare knuckles. Who and what should we believe?


Legacy of a Space Titan

Wernher von Braun was born one hundred years ago, but his blueprint for space exploration still has relevance today.


Can We Repurpose Space Assets?

A lost Russian communications satellite has the potential to teach us about operations on the Moon.


How the Mars Community Shot Itself in the Foot

Ask for a lot and perhaps get a little. But ask for too much and you may end up with nothing.

Valuable and reachable goals on reasonable timescales: Cislunar space.

Double the Space Budget?

Neil Tyson wants to double NASA's budget. Would that solve the problem with America's space program?


Cataclysmic Conundrum

Is there a way to determine if the Moon underwent an impact cataclysm 3.9 billion years ago? Samples from an old basin may tell us.


Everybody has won and all must have prizes

Prizes for specific accomplishments have been proposed as the solution to the problem of a moribund space program. Are they?


China’s Long March to the Moon

China plans to send humans to the Moon. Why we should care


Annus Horribilis: Space in 2011

A review of the year in space. It's not pretty


The Path of Exploration

The word "exploration" changed about 100 years ago. We should recover its full meaning, which included discovery, exploitation, & wealth creation


The Latest Destination for Human Spaceflight

Humans to Venus? The latest proposed destination for human space missions illustrates the hollowness of the current direction of our space program

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