June 2020

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SOCIALMEDIAOPENER-Photo illustration of Philip II of Macedon, left, and his son Alexander the Great. Sculptures are first-century Roman copies of Greek originals.

The King and the Conqueror

Alexander the Great’s unmatched military prowess and far-flung empire changed the world. But archaeologists in Greece are showing how his murdered father, Philip of Macedon, led the way

SOCIALMEDIAOPENER-Papazian drinking beer

Home Brew Hero

Meet the grade school teacher whose basement hobby half a century ago sparked America's craft brew revolution

SOCIALMEDIA-A young koala recovers at the wildlife park hospital.

The Search for Life on Kangaroo Island

Raging bushfires. Devastated wildlife. And the compassionate souls who went to the rescue

SOCIALMEDIA-Moshe Nahon Synagogue in Tangier, Morocco. This is a flattened view of a 360-degree photograph from Diarna’s archives.

Return to the Sacred

An innovative digital venture takes you back to painstakingly recreated Jewish holy sites once lost to history



Hallowed Ground

The haunting beauty of an ancient desertscape


Updating America

For the first time in decades, view a major reimagining of the battles that made the nation


Defying the Nazis

For years Paul Rivet opposed the ideology fueling Hitler's rise. Then he helped French fighters take the battle underground


Buzz Kill

The thundering RAF mission that stifled the Nazis


Predicting the Pandemic

How a medical researcher protected millions of Americans from a new contagion


Birdman's Latest Trick

Skateboard legend Tony Hawk has done the impossible again—he has brought the maverick sport into the mainstream

Crossword: Graphic Novel

The latest version of our self-reverential word game

June Ask Smithsonian

You've got questions. We've got experts.