March 1997

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A History of Women Photographers

A traveling exhibition on women photographers doesn't skirt the issue

Online gallery of selections from A History of Women Photographers

infant elephants

An Orphanage for Some Big Babies

Daphne Sheldrick has turned her Nairobi home into a nursery and rehabilitation center for infant elephants who have lost their families

Smithsonian Highlights

The Object at Hand

A bejeweled box from a sorely beset emperor leads to a Yankee dentist, and how he rescued the beautiful empress Eugénie from a Paris mob

Around the Mall & Beyond

An all-day Saturday seminar on spices - one of the many programs on the Mall, around the world, even in cyberspace, offered by the Smithsonian Associates

Smithsonian Perspectives

The Smithsonian takes its experts and scholars on the road in its new Voices of Discovery program
