Reader Scrapbook

How to submit pictures for our online Reader Scrapbook

Want to be a part of something big? To connect your family history with the experiences of others? Then add your photos to our online Reader Scrapbook. Few groups have as broad a collective knowledge of aviation and spaceflight as the readers of Air & Space magazine, and from the photos submitted already, we know there are plenty of interesting, even historic, photos hidden in attics and stashed away in closets.

It could be an image of your uncle with his Huey in 1971, or a photo of an astronaut at a barbeque. Maybe it’s a group portrait of your dad’s helicopter crew with Marilyn Monroe in Korea, or a tinted snapshot of your grandpa with his Curtis Jenny. It doesn’t have to be historic, but it does have to bear some relation to aviation or spaceflight. Email us your photos along with your city and state, plus any caption information or a brief explanation of why the photo is meaningful to you. And we’ll share a selection in our online Reader Scrapbook at

A few simple ground rules: Each photo should be scanned (no mailed hard copies, please) in some electronic format (typical ones are JPG, GIF, and TIFF). Try to keep the size of the electronic file under 1 megabyte. If you don’t know how to make electronic scans of your snapshots, most photo stores or copy centers should be able to do it for you. Then email them as attached files to [email protected]. And we’ll contact you if we’d like to post them. Now’s the time to look through those boxes of old black-and-whites you’ve been meaning to pull out of storage. We can’t wait to see what you've got.

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