
The Tonan Maru No. 2 whaling factory ship, drafted into military use, was damaged by a Dutch submarine while taking part in the landing at Kuching, Borneo.

Blood in the Water

Japan's lethal whale research draws criticism

Luna in Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound

Whale of a Tale

When Luna, a people-loving orca, chose Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound for his home, he set in motion a drama of leviathan proportions

Close Encounters

Northwest of Seattle, an overly friendly orca polarizes a community


Thar They Blow!

Gentle giants? New research suggests that male sperm whales may butt heads over females


The Tail of the Whale

Steve King embarks on a whale-watching odyssey


The Object at Hand

It took four years, a shipwright and help from the British to create the blue whale model installed in the National Museum of Natural History

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