Either way, they definitely didn't have indoor plumbing.

We Know Dinosaurs Pooped, But Did They Pee Too?

Researchers are trying to figure out whether dinosaurs combined feces and urine or not


Here’s What Sochi Looks Like from the ISS

In some ways, they have the best view of anybody this year - no stray dogs, or double toilets, just beautiful lights and an interrupted stream

Finding the Best Office Temperature Is Basically Impossible

Is there a universally perfect working temperature? Probably not, and trying to find it might be a wild goose chase

It's your birthday, eat all the honey you want.

Happy Birthday Winnie-the-Pooh

Winnie-the-Pooh's entrance wasn’t loud or flashy, much like the bear himself it was simple and sweet: a short poem in a little magazine

What Happens When There’s a Tie at the Olympics?

Until they start 3D printing golds on demand the IOC will have to prepare for ties, regardless of how unlikely they are

Chocolate Milk Was Invented in Jamaica

As with many things, the European who gets credit for inventing chocolate milk probably did not actually invent it

Your brain only sees some of these as faces.

Your Brain Now Processes a Smiley Face as a Real Smile

Perhaps eventually we’ll respond to emoji as we would to real dogs, cats and night skies

This message will self destruct.

This Chip Will Self Destruct (If DARPA Can Get It To)

Should a United States computer fall into the wrong hands, the army wants to be able to disintegrate that chip and its information on command

Now in can, bottle and pod form.

You Could Soon Make Coca-Cola in the Comfort of Your Own Home

How a Keurig Coke pack will work is still under wraps, but Coca-Cola is taking aim at the home-made soda market

Ready for work!

Mathematician Calculates 177,147 Ways to Tie a Tie

"I have tried 10 or 20 of them, and most of them to be quite honest look kind of awkward,” he says

Americans Are More Into BDSM Than The Rest of the World

Not only is BDSM far more common than you might think, it’s also far less of a red-flag when it comes to health and psychology

Not Michael Sam.

Michael Sam Could Become the First Openly Gay NFL Player Ever

He’ll have no protection under the law, nor does it seem like he’ll receive much protection by coaches, scouts or other players

For a nasty bug, it's awfully pretty.

Chlamydia Can Live in Your Gut And Reinfect You After You’re Cured

Doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear, but until now they’ve been stumped as to how exactly it happens

The Mesoamericans probably didn't have marshmallows, but we won't tell anybody if you add them.

Forget the Paleo Diet, Make Yourself Some Mesoamerican Hot Chocolate

Skip the contents of that deer stomach, or whatever other weird diet you’re on, and get yourself some cocoa beans

See What It’s Like to be a Paleontologist in the Gobi Desert

Aki Watanabe took Google Glass to the Gobi Desert to show people first hand what fossil hunting is like

Turn left to avoid the cows.

These 10 Year Olds Are Studying the Impact of Texting on Mario Kart Performance

Everybody knows that driving while texting is a really, really bad idea. But what about driving a Mario Kart and texting?

Hollywood Overvalues Older Male Actors And Undervalues Older Women

A female movie star's salary peaks at age 34, and then drops off the cliff. Men hit their peak earnings at 51, and keep on making money

Hey you guys, got any flowers? I'm starving.

Did Flowers Take Out The Woolly Mammoth?

Some researchers think that the mighty beasts may have been bested by tiny flowers. Or, more precisely, the lack of them

Will We Ever See a Bionic Winter Olympian?

With more sophisticated prosthetics, skiers and snowboarders are trying to break the same ground blazed by Oscar Pistorius at the 2012 Summer Olympics

Dreaming of world domination.

How You Describe a Dream Could Help Determine What Kind of Psychosis You Have

A recent study found dream descriptions could be used ot distinguish between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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