Food Science

There's a reason this food tastes like nothing.

Sounds Can Change the Taste of Our Food As We Eat It

When you taste something, there’s a lot more than your tastebuds at work

Coming Soon, a College Degree in Coffee

The University of California, Davis, has launched a coffee research center, and hopes to offer college degrees in coffee

Using hydroponics and LED, two entrepreneurs are growing produce underneath London.

Would You Eat a Salad Grown in a Bomb Shelter?

In London's old, abandoned bomb shelters, a local food movement is taking root

Okay but this is still pretty bad.

Everybody Chill Out, Eating Meat Isn’t Going to Kill You

A new study suggesting that a meat-rich diet is just as bad as smoking has some problems

How Your Body Tells You "That's Enough Hot Sauce"

We have the answers to your burning chili pepper questions

The Wine Industry Thinks It's Getting Us Drunk Too Quickly

As a fix, wine scientists are searching for a wild yeast species that will produce less alcoholic beverages

The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center has developed a prototype for pizza that could be included in soldiers' field rations.

Ultimate Survival Food: Military-Engineered Pizza That's Good For Three Years

Army scientists have come up with a recipe for a long-lasting pie that can be stored at room temperature

Human flesh might resemble this nice beef fillet.

Human Flesh Looks Like Beef, But the Taste Is More Elusive

It's like pork. Or maybe veal

How Much Do You Actually Know About What You're Putting in Your Mouth?

A little background in food science can turn you into a next-level foodie

There are 40 ground-up crickets in every bar.

Are You Ready For Protein Bars Made From Crickets?

They’re good for you and the environment, but are they good enough to eat?

It's a Myth: There's No Evidence That Coffee Stunts Kids' Growth

The long-held misconception can be traced to claims made in advertisements for Postum, an early 1900s coffee alternative

Frozen seafood in the lab, ready for DNA testing.

The DNA Detectives That Reveal What Seafood You're Really Eating

Genetic sequencing allows scientists to uncover increasingly prevalent seafood fraud

Shiner Bock beer-battered onion rings

Beer Batter is Better; Science Says So

What's the difference between beer-battered fried foods and those fried in water-based batter?

Peeps diorama by Sarah Zielinski, Amanda Bensen and Jamie Simon

A Peep Experiment

In peep jousting, two peeps, armed with toothpicks, battle it out in a microwave

A carpet of moss.

Ancient, Doomed "Iceman" Had Been Eating Mosses

Scientists found six species of moss in the stomach of the famous five thousand-year-old glacier mummy

Nutritional supplements.

Vitamins: Friend or Foe?

The truth to vitamin supplements

The Bagpiper, 1624

Couldn't Eat Another Bite - But Why?

The reason we feel full while eating


The Man Who Invented Elsie, the Borden Cow

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