Games and Competition


Like a Rowing Stone

An unusual canoe competition in Madison, Wisconsin, floats the notion that concrete waives the rules

Alessandro Zampedri, driving a 1935 Aston Martin MK II, shares the 2001 finish with his 2-year-old daughter, Francesca. Copilot Burkhardt Nachtigall handled navigation.

A Rally to Remember

Even at lollygagging speeds, Italy's Mille Miglia road show stirs nostalgic hearts

Adult tricycle

Bound for Glory

Or maybe not. America's most grueling adult tricycle competition is tough on riders and equipment alike


Outsmarting Napoleon

War games enthusiasts use miniature soldiers and multiple-terrain boards to simulate real battles

"There Is a Certain Amount of Humor in Checkers"

But if you think this game is easy, you haven't met the Ayshire Lassie, the Black Doctor, the Goose Walk or the Canalejas Cannonball

Nicolaus Copernicus

Discovering the Odds

Over the centuries, visionary mathematicians laid the foundation for how we view life's gambles


In the Game of Chess "Your Opponent Must Be Destroyed"


Little Brother of War

Lacrosse sticks were tools of the trade in a rugged Indian game now growing popular around the world

A game of Texas hold 'em in progress. "Hold 'em" is a popular form of poker.

Fake & Rake

Played for love or played for money, poker is coming out of the back room


The School Where it's OK to Major in Fun and Games

At Vancouver's DigiPen, kids who grew up playing Donkey Kong and Castlevania train to create the video adventures of tomorrow


You're Buying It, You Better Make Sure It's What You Want'

If that 'treasure' you acquire at one of Uncle Sam's auctions turns out to be a pig in a poke, you'll have only yourself to blame


America's Favorite Game Is the One Everybody Can Play

It doesn't get hyped big-time like other sports, but at the grass-roots level, where it thrives, softball is in a league of its own


The Soap Box Derby

The Soap Box Derby, a peculiarly American institution, thrives on the U.S. teenage passion for anything that has four wheels and goes fast

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