Smithsonian Voices

From the Smithsonian Museums

The Love Lives of Ducks Make for Great Drama

Breeding season at the National Zoo's Bird House can create some spectacular behavior

Three female African lions rest in the sun and shade in a grassy area along a wood-panel fence

How Zookeepers Care for Aging Lions

Bald eagles are native to the United States, but caring for them is a unique and rare opportunity. Every bald eagle in human care, including Annie pictured here, is a rescue.

Meet Rescued Bald Eagles Tioga and Annie

Western lowland gorilla Moke eating a snack

The Science Behind Animal Snacks

The cassowary's helmet-like casque is made of keratin, the same material that makes up our hair and fingernails.

Meet Cassowary Brothers Irwin and Dundee, Descendants of Dinosaurs