
Tomb Full of Sacred Cats and Beetles Found in Egypt

The recently opened tomb in the Saqqara necropolis included gilded feline statues and extremely rare mummified scarab beetles

This is the face of a cold-hearted killer...right?

This Petite Cat Is the World's Deadliest. Mini-Series 'Super Cats' Shows You Why

The African black-footed cat weighs roughly 200 times less than the average lion, but it has a predation success rate of 60 percent

To Mourn Beloved, 17-Year-Old Cat, Artist Made Genre-Spanning, Star-Studded Tribute Album

Pharrell, Bono, Laurie Anderson, Michael Stipe, The National and others penned songs for Souris, artist Sophie Calle's animal companion

Urban cats are more likely to hunt down birds, mice than rats

Cats Are Surprisingly Bad at Killing Rats

Over a 79-day period, feral felines killed just two rats, instead opting to hunt less challenging prey

Puma skull from the Motmot burial.

The Maya Captured, Traded and Sacrificed Jaguars and Other Large Mammals

New archeological findings suggest the Maya city state Copan dealt in a robust jaguar trade

Five Young Lion Brothers Mate With One Lioness

A group of five adolescent male lions - dubbed the Musketeers - are wandering the desert looking to find their own kingdom

This Footage of Jaguars in Panama Could Save Their Lives

Ricardo Moreno is on a mission to convince Panamanian farmers not to hunt jaguars, which they fear are preying on their livestock

Australian Feral Cats Eat More Than a Million Reptiles Per Day

A new study shows cats snack on 258 reptile species, and could push some to the brink of extinction

Mother Tiger Makes Speedy Kill to Feed Cubs

Tiger cub Kumal is entirely dependent on his mother to hunt prey. He also relies on his father for protection against intruders

A feral cat photographed by the founder of The Feral Life Cat Blog.

Australia Builds World’s Largest Cat-Proof Fence to Protect Threatened Species

The country’s feral cats have been linked to the extinction of 20 species

These unusual cats may have some advantages for allergic owners, but to call them hypoallergenic would be a stretch.

There's No Such Thing as a Hypoallergenic Cat

With its short tight curl, many claim that the Cornish Rex is proof that cats can be allergen-free. Nope

Cameras Catch Adorable Glimpse of Mountain Lion Family

Native Montanan Casey Anderson has stumbled across a family of mountain lions living in a nearby cave. He sets up cameras to get a closer look

This Mountain Lion Hides Her Kills in Abandoned Ranches

Adventurer Casey Anderson has tracked a female mountain lion to her unlikely den: an abandoned ranch close to his home

Lioness Underestimates the Strength of an Impala

A solitary lioness in her new home of Akagera, Rwanda, is tracking a herd of impala. Two problems: The impala here are stronger than the ones back home

Please for to vaccinate.

A Deadly Virus Is on the Rise for Australia's Cats

"Cat plague" hasn't been seen in pets down under for 40 years ago, but a new spate of cases has veterinarians concerned

Which paw did your cat use to bat your camera away?

Cats Can Be Right or Left-Pawed

A new study has found that 'lateral bias' in cats may be linked to gender

Pavel will be on hand for viewing at the Great Cats habitat, rotating with the Zoo's Sumatran tiger and African lions.

Say Hello to Pavel, the National Zoo's Latest Addition, an Amur Tiger

For the first time since 1948, a 10-year-old male Siberian big cat graces the D.C. menagerie

How Augmented Reality Is Helping Raise Awareness About One of Armenia's Most Endangered Species

The Amur leopard twins Akeno, left, and Zivon, right, are being baptized at the zoo in Leipzig, Germany, Thursday, July 6, 2017. The twin animals were born on 22 April.

Rare Amur Leopard Call Gets Caught on Tape

New footage of the cat making its distinctive roar offers a glimpse into the endangered species' behavior

Alpha Male Tiger Forces This Cub to Submit

A young tiger comes face-to-face with an encroaching male tiger, threatening to take over his father's territory

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