
Screenshot from the short "Chad Gadya"

This Animation Is Made of Embroidery

It took a year and a half to create a short film using "embroidermation"

Screenshot from "A Wild Hare"

What Gives Bugs Bunny His Lasting Power?

From the moment of his first “What’s Up, Doc?” in 1940, the trickster hare has topped the list of great cartoon characters

A shadowy scene from F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu (1922).

Someone Stole the Skull of ‘Nosferatu’ Director F.W. Murnau

Thieves left behind traces of wax, suggesting occult practices might be at play here

Dorothy Arzner (left) poses with Clara Bow in a publicity shot for The Wild Party.

Why Was One of Hollywood's First Female Film Directors, Dorothy Arzner, Forgotten?

Arzner directed 20 feature films

Dante and Virgil encounter the counterfeiters and forgers, now changed to lepers and the insane for punishment

One of the Earliest Feature Films Was This Italian Adaptation of Dante’s Inferno

It's the earliest surviving complete feature-length film, made in 1911

This Mockumentary Explains the Appeal of Skateboarding to Scared Parents

“The Devil’s Toy” looks “an epidemic from which no one was secure”: having fun on skateboards


14 Fun Facts About the Animals of "Jurassic World"

While the lead predator of the film might be a genetically modified fiction, these real fossil species were just as amazing and bizarre

The Most Loved and Hated Novel About World War I

An international bestseller, Erich Maria Remarque's <em>All Quiet on the Western Front</em> was banned and burned in Nazi Germany

Hammerhead sharks off the coast of Cocos Island, Costa Rica. The island is known for its incredible terrain and marine life, and is said to be the inspiration for Isla Nublar, the place Michael Crichton created as the setting for Jurassic Park—and now Jurassic World.

Where to Visit the Real Jurassic World After You See the Film

The movie's filming locations and inspiration offer lush vegetation, stunning views and plenty of sharks



Reader responses to our May issue

The Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center is the first museum in the world to employ the newest laser technology in its IMAX Theater. Its super sharp 4K laser system encased in two perfectly calibrated fridge-sized projectors is enhanced with a new 12 channel sound system with a sub-bass.

How the Big Screen IMAX Experience Just Took a Quantum Leap Forward

The Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center Airbus Theater is among the first to receive a cutting-edge technology makeover

The glamorous actress in the 1940s.

How Katharine Hepburn Became a Fashion Icon

Celebrate the Hollywood star with a look at her stellar costumes

Garrett Foshay rides the Hendo, which hovers about an inch off the ground.

The Hoverboard Fantasy Comes True, Just As "Back to the Future" Predicted

Hold onto your flux capacitors; the future is here

Crowe’s character has a mystical ability to locate hidden water.

Russell Crowe Takes a New Look at an Old Battle

The Australian actor/director's controversial film views the legendary Gallipoli from the Turkish side

Diners eat lunch outdoors at the Osteria Margutta.

Rome's Very Short Street With a Long, Magnificent History

Taste the food life on the Via Margutta, once home to Fellini and since 1953, the scene of Americans' sweetest Roman Holiday

Why the Story of Cinderella Endures and Resonates

A Smithsonian folklorist follows the ancient tale with a particularly American twist

William Gillette's lost Sherlock Holmes film was an unsolved mystery—until now.

Mystery Solved: Footage From a Long-Lost Silent Sherlock Holmes Is Found

William Gillette is responsible for how we see Sherlock Holmes—but the loss of his single silent film was an unsolved mystery

Here's the Tolkien nerd’s guide to the third Hobbit movie.

The Tolkien Nerd’s Guide to "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies"

The final chapter in Peter Jackson's trilogy strays furthest from the book, but there are still a few buried Easter eggs for die-hard fans to enjoy

Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) embraces Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) in a famous scene from the 1939 epic film Gone with the Wind.

How Gone With the Wind Took the Nation by Storm By Catering to its Southern Sensibilities

From casting to its premiere, how Southerners viewed the film made all the difference

Prelorán left Argentina and eventually settled in Los Angeles. He's shown here during the filming of Casabindo in 1977.

Rescuing Jorge Prelorán’s Films From Storage And Time

The Smithsonian’s Film Archives is reintroducing the world to the influential work of the Argentine-American filmmaker

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