

These Are the Mega-Cities of the Future

In 2025, chances are you'll live in one of these cities. Today, chances are you haven't heard of some of them

Dubai’s man-made Jumeirah Islands.

If We All Lived Like UAE Citizens, We’d Need 5.4 Earths

Tim De Chant's Per Square Mile answers through infographics: How much land would 7 billion people need to live like the people of these countries?

Political geography of America, March 30 1822 to November 15 1824

170 Years of America’s Evolution In One Animated GIF

In one click, the drifting lines and changing colors take you through 170 years of history.

A map of Afghanistan’s resources

Mapping Afghanistan’s Geology from Really, Really Far Away

Using aerial surveys, US geographers map the mineral resources found on Afghanistan's rocky surface

400 Years Worth of Water Discovered in Sub-Saharan Namibia

Death Valley

At 107°F, Death Valley Sets Record for Hottest Daily Low

Death Valley, California set an unusual new record last week matching the hottest low temperature ever recorded on Earth


One of the First Maps to Include “America” Found in Old Geometry Book


Obama Could Win 2012 Because the South Used to Be Underwater

The Waldseemüller map, printed in 1507, depicted the New World in a new way.

The Waldseemüller Map: Charting the New World

Two obscure 16th-century German scholars named the American continent and changed the way people thought about the world


Ground Thaw

Geographer Christopher Burn explains why permafrost is thawing

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