
Researchers are rediscovering the forgotten legacy of Charles Henry Turner.

This Pioneering Black Zoologist's Insights Were a Century Ahead of Their Time

Charles Henry Turner conducted trailblazing research on the cognitive traits of bees, spiders and more

As one Nile crocodile rests, another perks up near a river in Tanzania.

Nile Crocodiles Recognize and React to the Sound of Crying Babies

The reptiles may be aware that primate infants are in trouble—and an easy meal

An orca mother travels alongside her son. Older orca females past their reproductive years often lead their pods on hunts.

Aging Mother Orcas Keep Their Sons Out of Fights

In a new study, male orcas with mothers that had gone through menopause showed less tooth scarring on their fins compared to other males

Antler coral can host different types of algae, sometimes resulting in differences in color. 

This Pacific Coral Can Withstand Warming Waters With the Help of Algae

The heat-resistant organism in antler coral may help it adapt as ocean temperatures increase

A magpie nest in Antwerp, Belgium, made with anti-bird spikes

Crows and Magpies Snatch Anti-Bird Spikes to Build Their Nests

Birds in Europe are prying up the metal barbs, meant to repel them from roosting on buildings, and using the devices as nesting material

Experts aren't sure why the otter is approaching surfers, as sea otters have a natural fear of humans.

A Surfboard-Snatching Sea Otter Is Vexing Wildlife Officials in California

While the animal's antics may look cute, the dangerous behavior could bring harm to humans or force authorities to euthanize the endangered mammal

Shipwreck NORMAN in upper Lake Huron in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Eight of the Best Spots to Go Freshwater Diving or Snorkeling in the United States

These bucket-list underwater sites offer up megalodon teeth, manatee herds and other unique encounters

Humans hunt, kill or capture a massive number of species. Surprisingly, most of this is for non-food reasons.

Humans Take Out More Wild Species Than Any Other Predator on Earth

We kill, collect or otherwise use about 15,000 vertebrate species

Like humans, animals are trying to stay cool amid heat waves.

Why Are Squirrels 'Splooting' on Hot Days?

This adorable behavior helps the rodents cool down, especially as extreme heat sweeps the planet

Scientists observed two separate groups of orangutans making biphonations, or two sounds at once.

Orangutans Can Beatbox, Just Like Humans

The primates can simultaneously make sounds with their mouth and throat, a finding that may shed light on the evolution of human speech

An illustration of the Victorian grassland earless dragon, which, until February, had not been seen in the wild since 1969.

Scientists Find the 'Extinct' Victorian Earless Dragon, Not Seen Since 1969

Once thought to be gone from the wild, the lizards will now enter a breeding program in an attempt to save them from the brink of extinction

A bandicoot uses its nose to sniff out subterranean insects, leaving behind shallow holes known as “snout pokes.”

The Unlikely Survival Story of Australia's Bandicoots

The defenseless marsupial was nearly wiped out by invasive species. Now rescuers are pinning hopes on a remnant island population

Blacktip reef sharks are one of five common species of reef sharks that are disappearing.

Reef Sharks Are Disappearing Around the World

A massive new study found a staggering decline of these top predators, which help balance vulnerable coral reef ecosystems and their food chains

Researchers counted 31 individual wolves during their annual survey from mid-January to early March.

Wolves Are Making a Comeback at Michigan's Isle Royale National Park

Since their reintroduction in 2018, the wolves have rebounded from just two inbred individuals to 31 healthy animals

Thousands of dead fish—most of them Gulf menhaden—washed up on the beaches of Brazoria County in Texas.

Why Thousands of Dead Fish Washed Ashore in Texas

Conditions created a "perfect storm" that robbed the water of dissolved oxygen near the coast

Because moose are largely solitary, it's unlikely a rabies outbreak will occur in Alaska's population, according to officials.

First Rabid Moose Recorded in Alaska Was Stumbling Through a Town

The large mammal likely contracted the virus from a fox, say wildlife officials

Alessandro Biancardi says he caught the biggest catfish he'd ever seen in his 23 years as a professional fisherman.

Fisherman Reels in 'Monster' Nine-Foot Catfish in Italy

The behemoth, found in the Po River, may have set a world record for the longest catch-and-release catfish

A SeaWorld team prepares to release a rescued manatee.

The Race to Save Florida’s Manatees

Researchers are nurturing sick and injured animals back to health while working to protect natural springs and curb seagrass decline

Mountain goats roam the streets of Llandudno, Wales, in March 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

What Wild Animals Were Really Doing During Covid-19 Lockdowns

Researchers around the world traced mammals' movements and behaviors when fewer humans and cars were outside in spring 2020

Researchers hope that an injection could one day be a faster and safer substitute for surgical cat sterilization.

Scientists Develop New Birth Control for Female Cats—No Surgery Necessary

The one-time injection of a gene therapy could eventually be used to control cat populations

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