

Interview with Louise Erdrich

Erdrich speaks about notable weather, Wal-Mart and writing

Lepeadon, the "fierce man" of the Letin clan.

Raffaele Among the Korowai

Paul Raffaele describes his adventures (and misadventures) in Indonesian New Guinea, reporting on the Korowai


Interview with Andrew Lawler, Author of "A Mystery Fit for a Pharaoh"

Andrew Lawler discusses imperialism and the natural romance of studying ancient cultures.


Interview with John Seidensticker and Susan Lumpkin

The authors of "Building an Arc" talk about wildlife conservation and what drew them to work with tigers.


Interview with Adam Goodheart, Author of "Back to the Future"

The author talks about what makes the newly renovated Patent Office Building special


An Interview with Author David Karp, Fruit Detective

The author of "Berried Treasure" discusses fruit mysteries and pith helmet style


Q&A with Laura Tangley

An interview with Laura Tangley, author of "Learning from Tai Shan" in the June 2006 issue of SMITHSONIAN.


Interview: David Roberts, Author of "Below the Rim"

Author David Roberts talks about what he found surprising while exploring the Grand Canyon.


Interview on the Legacy of Andrew Wyeth

Henry Adams, author of "Wyeth's World," speaks with the artist about his early work, influences and technique


Bilingual By Breakfast

Only one thing stood between the author and the hojaldras of her desire

Author Maya Angelou hosts the 2000 annual conference for the Children's Defense Fund in March 2007.

35 Who Made a Difference: Maya Angelou

By singing of her own hardships, she has given strength to others

35 Who Made a Difference: Wendell Berry

A Kentucky poet draws inspiration from the land that sustains him


Tocqueville's America

The French author's piquant observations on American gumption and political hypocrisy sound remarkably contemporary 200 years after his birth


The Power and the Glory

She bought the electric drill to get a tidier household. Then she found out about the secret sisterhood


Lucky Man

A stroke of astonishing good fortune that even the author's skeptical father might embrace


Prescient and Accounted For

A century after his death, novelist Jules Verne, who imagined Moon flight and deep-sea voyages, looks more prophetic than ever


Trouble Spots

Two of our writers get into the thick of things in Uganda and Afghanistan


James Boswell's Scotland

The author of the Life of Samuel Johnson spent much of his own life trying to escape the country of his birth

"A picturesque subject indeed!" Sarony said before making the photograph, Oscar Wilde, No. 18, that figured in a historic lawsuit.

Supremely Wilde

How an 1882 portrait of the flamboyant man of letters reached the highest court in the land and changed U.S. law forever


Paper Chase

Looking up his high school Permanent Record Card leaves our author curiously grateful for his failings

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